
Hinweis: Leere nach dem Veröffentlichen den Browser-Cache, um die Änderungen sehen zu können.

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// Markiert Links auf Begriffsklärungsseiten mit der CSS-Klasse 'bkl-link',
// sowohl in der normalen Artikelansicht als auch in der Vorschau

// Example: [[Antrazith]] (Falschschreibung) -> [[Anthrazit]] (Begriffsklärung)

// Expose as global variable because we use "bklCheck.viewResultArrived" as callback.
window.bklCheck = {
	cat : {
		'Kategorie:Begriffsklärung' : {
			className   : 'bkl-link bkl-link-inner', // bkl-link-inner kept for b/c reasons
			titleAppend : ' (Begriffsklärungsseite)',
			htmlAppend  : '<sup class="bkl-link-sup">BKL</sup>'},
		'Kategorie:Wikipedia:Falschschreibung' : {
			className   : 'bkl-link bkl-link-inner',
			titleAppend : ' (Falschschreibung)',
			htmlAppend  : '<sup class="bkl-link-sup">FS</sup>'},
		'Kategorie:Wikipedia:Obsolete Schreibung' : {
			className   : 'bkl-link bkl-link-inner',
			titleAppend : ' (Obsolete Schreibung)',
			htmlAppend  : '<sup class="bkl-link-sup">OS</sup>'}

	queryUrlView      : mw.util.wikiScript('api') + '?action=query&format=json'
		+ '&prop=categories&pageids=' + mw.config.get('wgArticleId') + '&callback=bklCheck.viewResultArrived'
		+ '&generator=links&redirects=&gpllimit=max&gplnamespace=0&cllimit=max&indexpageids'
		+ '&_=' + mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId'), // Break client caching, when page has been edited
	queryUrlPreview   : mw.util.wikiScript('api') + '?action=query&format=json&prop=categories'
		+ '&cllimit=max&redirects=&indexpageids',
	titles            : {},
	count             : 0,
	previewQueryCount : 0,

	execute : function () {
		if ( window.bklCheckOnlyCheckMainNS && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 0 ) return;
		// Use &clcategories to reduce needed queries
		var cats = [];
		for ( var name in ) if ([name].className )
			cats.push( encodeURIComponent( name ) );
		bklCheck.queryUrlView += '&clcategories=' + cats.join( '|' );
		bklCheck.queryUrlPreview += '&clcategories=' + cats.join( '|' );
		var action = mw.config.get('wgAction');
		if ( action === 'submit' )	bklCheck.doPreviewQueries();
		else if ( action === 'view' || action === 'historysubmit' || action === 'purge' )
			importScriptURI( bklCheck.queryUrlView );
		else { // "Show preview on first edit" enabled?
			var prev = document.getElementById( 'wikiPreview' );
			if ( prev && prev.firstChild ) importScriptURI( bklCheck.queryUrlView );

	storeTitles : function ( res ) {
		if ( !res || !res.query || !res.query.pageids ) return;
		var q = res.query;
		var redirects = {};
		for ( var i = 0; q.redirects && i < q.redirects.length; i++ ) {
			var r = q.redirects[i];
			if ( !redirects[] ) redirects[] = [];
			redirects[].push( r.from );
		for ( var i = 0; i < q.pageids.length; i++ ) {
			var page = q.pages[q.pageids[i]];
			if ( page.missing === '' || page.ns !== 0 || !page.categories ) continue;
			for ( var j = 0; j < page.categories.length; j++ ) {
				var cat =[page.categories[j].title];
				if ( !cat ) continue;
				bklCheck.titles[page.title] = cat;
				if ( !redirects[page.title] ) break;
				for ( var k = 0; k < redirects[page.title].length; k++ )
					bklCheck.titles[redirects[page.title][k]] = cat;

	markLinks : function () {
		if ( !bklCheck.count ) return;
		var links = bklCheck.getLinks( 'wikiPreview' ) || bklCheck.getLinks( 'bodyContent' )
				|| bklCheck.getLinks( 'mw_contentholder' ) || bklCheck.getLinks( 'article' );
		if ( !links ) return;
		for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) {
			if ( links[i].className === 'image' || links[i].className.indexOf('external') !== -1 ) continue; // Don't mess with images or external links!
			var title = links[i].title || ( links[i].childNodes[0] && links[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue );
			if ( title ) title = title.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title.slice(1); // make first character uppercase
			var cat = bklCheck.titles[title];
			if ( !cat ) continue;
			links[i].innerHTML = '<span class="' + cat.className + '" title="' +
				mw.html.escape(title + cat.titleAppend) + '">' + links[i].innerHTML + cat.htmlAppend + '</span>';

	viewResultArrived : function ( res ) {
		bklCheck.storeTitles( res );
		if ( res && res['query-continue'] ) {
			var c = res['query-continue'];
			if ( c.categories ) {
				importScriptURI( bklCheck.queryUrlView + '&clcontinue='
					+ encodeURIComponent( c.categories.clcontinue ) );
			} else if ( c.links ) {
				bklCheck.queryUrlView = bklCheck.queryUrlView.replace( /&gplcontinue=.*|$/,
					'&gplcontinue=' + encodeURIComponent( c.links.gplcontinue ) );
				importScriptURI( bklCheck.queryUrlView );
		} else bklCheck.markLinks();

	PreviewQuery : function ( titles ) {
		//We have to keep the titles in memory in case we get a query-continue = 'titles=' + titles.join( '|' );		
		this.doQuery( bklCheck.queryUrlPreview );

	doPreviewQueries : function () {
		var links = bklCheck.getLinks( 'wikiPreview' );
		if ( !links ) return;
		var titles=[]; var m;
		var unique = {};
		var siteRegex = new RegExp( $.escapeRE( mw.config.get('wgServer') ) + $.escapeRE( mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace( /\$1/, '' ) ) + '([^#]*)' );
		//We only care for main ns pages, so we can filter out the most common cases to save some requests
		var namespaceRegex = /^((Benutzer|Wikipedia|Datei|MediaWiki|Vorlage|Hilfe|Kategorie|Portal)(_Diskussion)?|Spe[cz]ial|Diskussion):/i;
		for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) {
			if ( !( m = links[i].href.match( siteRegex ) )
				|| m[1].match( namespaceRegex ) || unique[m[1]] ) continue;
			unique[m[1]] = true; // Avoid requesting same title multiple times
			titles.push( m[1].replace( /_/g, '%20' ) ); // Avoid normalization of titles
			if ( titles.length < 50 ) continue;
			new bklCheck.PreviewQuery( titles );
		if ( titles.length ) new bklCheck.PreviewQuery( titles );

	getLinks : function ( id ) {
		var el = document.getElementById( id );
		return el && el.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );

bklCheck.PreviewQuery.prototype.doQuery = function ( url ) {
	var q = this;
	var req = sajax_init_object();
	if ( !req ) return; 'POST', url, true );
	req.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
	req.onreadystatechange = function () {
		if ( req.readyState === 4 && req.status === 200 )
			eval( 'q.resultArrived(' + req.responseText + ');' );
	req.send( );
	delete req;

bklCheck.PreviewQuery.prototype.resultArrived = function ( res ) {
	bklCheck.storeTitles( res );
	if ( res && res['query-continue'] && res['query-continue'].categories ) {
		this.doQuery( bklCheck.queryUrlPreview + '&clcontinue='
			+ encodeURIComponent( res['query-continue'].categories.clcontinue ) );
	} else bklCheck.previewQueryCount--;
	if ( !bklCheck.previewQueryCount ) bklCheck.markLinks();

if ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') >= 0 ) $( bklCheck.execute );